Dune: Psychology in Science Fiction

Our identity is heavily influenced by the surroundings we live in. A healthy understanding of the gap between ‘labels given to us by our surrounding’ and ‘what we consider ourselves at core’ defines how we perform, how we behave in given situations. Frank Herbert effectively used these ideas of human psyche in his Dune Saga. The antihero story of Paul Atreides indicates psychological ideas of cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, and Pygmalion effect. It is interesting to understand how our minds are so sensitive at the levels of self and group simultaneously.

How Frank Herbert used human psyche in the creation of Dune’s antihero?

We saw how some fantastic philosophical ideas come alive in the character arc of Paul Atreides. The discussion hereon is the extension of the previous philosophical one, now we will dive deeper into the psychological aspects of Dune Part Two.

There will be heavy spoilers for Dune Part Two hereon!!!

Existentialism in Dune Part Two

As Paul gets more and more involved in the events on Arrakis with Fremen, he finds out what needs to be done, he finds clarity and purpose. He is renouncing the leadership in the early part because he does not know what to do with it. The moment he decides to become the Lisan al-Gaib, the moment he finds the purpose of his being, he gets the clarity.

According to Existentialism, there is no other meaning to the life but the meaning you give it yourself. Existentialism says that man is born free and can chose any actions to live but in the end he/ she will feel like they lived for nothing. They will remove this ‘existential angst’ only when they decide what they want to do with their life. The moment people consider themselves responsible for the events and consequences in their lives, take deliberate actions to achieve them that is the exact the moment where they find the meaning in life. Then everything, every action every decision starts to make sense. You feel like you exist for something.

This existential journey of self-discovery is exactly what we see in Paul’s journey to become the Mahdi. Avenging his father’s life becomes the ultimate goal of Paul in early moments but later on things take different turn. This is existentialism on personal level.

Fremen of Arrakis are the best example of existentialism in masses. The Fremen people are able to sustain in the hostile environment of Arrakis not because that is the only choice. They also have a strong belief, a hope that someone from outer world will save them one day and make their planet the Paradise, the Lisan al-Gaib will come to save them. Although Paul and Jessica know that it is a story properly planned by Bene Gesserit, although there are also Fremen who oppose this prophecy (Chani is one of them) still it gives them all hope, a reason to live for, a reason to survive for. Everyone makes sense of this prophecy in their own ways, their own belief systems.

Do you see what is happening here?

There is one group who is religiously putting their faith in the hope of the messiah for their survival and on the other hand there is a group who dismisses this idea and think that they themselves have to take care of their survival. The messiah will be one of them, not someone sent from the outer world.

We know what happens in the end. But from an objective point of view we see that people create there own perspective for survival. It doesn’t matter who was right and who was wrong in the end. What matters is whether is guaranteed the survival of Fremen. No wonder Jessica considers the artificially planted faith for Lisan al-Gaib among Fremen as an act of giving them a hope.

In either way, some sort of meaning would ensure survival of the Fremen.

The meaning of the life given to us is the meaning we assign to it.

The Prophecy – A Perfect Example of Confirmation Bias

The Prophecy plays key role in deciding the fate of key characters in Dune Part Two. Although we are aware that the prophecy a highly detailed plan to get the hold on Arrakis there are certain moments which fool us in believing that the prophecy might really be true. There is one justification for the correctness and validity for the prophecy. Somehow any powerful member from Bene Gesserit could have unlocked the exact power to see the future like Paul or Lady Jessica this person who could have seen the future and made this prophecy. We get no such signs in the narrative, but the story has enough resources and reasons to make it a valid point.

The event of Paul riding an elder worm, the worm stopping for Paul and Jessica in Dune Part One while crossing the dessert, Chani’s teardrop bringing back Paul alive (although she is manipulated to do that) are such events which confuse us when we try to reject the Prophecy. Either Bene Gesserit were too good to plan the people and resources for making the prophecy a reality or the person who made prophecy also unlocked the powers which Paul unlocked.

It is very interesting when Fremen come in one-to-one contact with Paul and Jessica. They are so influenced by this prophecy that whatever Paul may do, they attribute it to the prophecy. In early part at Sietch Tabr when Stilgar (who is one of the fundamentalists) is having discussion with the Fremen elders, we are given a hint of this strong Confirmatory Bias in Fremen, especially the fundamentalists.

Stilgar – I saw things.
Elder – Stilgar, your faith is playing tricks on you.  

This is an indication to how a blind faith could drive people into looking for signs and making sense from anything that supports that faith.

You must understand that, the existentialism makes life as a meaningless affair – we try to calm our mind/ our senses by assigning a meaning, a perspective to make sense out of the creation. Cognitive Bias lies on the negative extreme of such existentialism. An existence where we are only accepting the events, signs which support out beliefs. This also the transition region where spirituality is converted into pure religion. Stilgar is the perfect example of one such religious follower suffering from Cognitive Bias.

It is also very understandable for the people like Fremen who have nothing hopeful to live and nothing to pivot on, the idea of savior from outer world fuels them to continue the fight for survival.  

There is subtle hint that Paul may not be the only messiah that Arrakis might have seen. The Emperor in his discussion with Princess Irulan mentions Muad’Dib as “some new Fremen Prophet”.

Confirmation Bias is the prejudice where we try to accept the proofs which support our beliefs and reject those which don’t. Fremen people demonstrate such high levels of confirmation bias because Arrakis is the only reality they live in. People living outside the Arrakis like the emperor, Bene Geserit very well know that this is an intentionally planned act. And they very effectively implant such prophecies over the generations. It also shows how difficult it is to reject and go against the conventional beliefs especially the religious ones.

Did you ever have had an encounter with people who tell that this was already written in the older documents, scriptures? When we made certain scientific breakthroughs only then we are seeing them clearly mentioned in older writings, how is it possible? It feels counterintuitive but I would say going by the data instead of the intuition always helps to break such biases.

It feels against our mind because our mind only accepts that which will support the current beliefs. If the current belief gets falsified then our mind will start looking for another belief system which is much more like an existential angst – the existential confusion and the sadness that comes with it. If one meaning is falsified the mind must stick itself to a newer one otherwise life will feel worthless.

Image source: sketchplanations.com by Jono Hey

Cognitive Dissonance and Identity – What Makes Paul to Seek the Ultimate Power?

The confirmation bias is more powerful when it comes to the questions like ‘who you are?’, ‘what is your identity?’

Generally speaking, you are the best person who knows who you are (except your parents and some people close to you). What would happen if you are presented with the data, proofs which indicate that your parents are not your parents, your friends are not really your friends? They are just some paid actors (just like in the movie Truman Show).

Paul is portrayed as the Prince belonging to the House Atreides which is powerful and believes in fairness, justice, and the truth. The ideas associated with House Atreides support constructiveness, upliftment of those who are getting used for others’ benefits. Paul also strongly associates himself with these ideas even when his house is attacked by Harkonnens. He never tries to take advantage of the Fremen beliefs for personal gains. That can also be explained by one of the reasons he has to reject the Fremen Prophecy.

Then what makes Paul to accept this prophecy even when he knows that there are more proofs to reject the prophecy than to accept it?

It is when he knows the truth about his identity. The moment when he drinks water of life.

Upon understanding the ultimate truth, we come to know that Paul’s mother Lady Jessica is the daughter of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Paul understands that he is as Harkonnen as his villainous cousin Feyd-Rautha.

This is where his identity of Atreides filled with justice clashes with the cruel and much more powerful identity of Harkonnen. You can see him telling his mother that this is the way they survive – by being a Harkonnen.

When a person goes through such uncomfortable events where his/ her beliefs clash it creates a in harmony. These are the events where the person is confused about what exactly he/ she should believe in. As the early beliefs which were true for him, on which the person lived whole life were inherently false what defines him now?

Paul faces this cognitive dissonance about his identity. He himself is a Harkonnes – the Harkonnes whom he was considering the villains of his life and the lives of the Fremens.

What identity would Paul chose makes him the hero or the antihero in the end.

And Paul chooses the Harkonnen identity which make him the antihero. Please understand that he could have chosen a fair Atreides or Fremen ways to fight for the cause. The circumstances created around Paul supported him to become as ruthless as the Harkonnens. The Emperor and the great houses denying his ascension further fuel his wish to remain ruthless to justify the actions. The moment Paul associates himself with the Harkonnens, he justifies his urge for power as a valid one. Paul forgets his Atreides roots which could have made him the hero of the Dune’s story.

The Pygmalion Effect – Is Paul Really the Messiah?

The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she’s treated.

Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

One factor in Paul’s journey to become the leader of the Fremen and ultimately the Emperor can be largely credited to the support system created around him. It is clear that he goes through many hardships and sacrifices to achieve his goal but you cannot deny the inherent public support he receives through Fremen. It only because of the support from the Fremen people you will see Paul build the confidence even though in Dune Part One this was the exact person who tried to deny future leadership in front of his father.

How a person refusing leadership of his own house later accepted the leadership of the most controversial group, that to in very adverse conditions? Leading house Atreides was Paul’s birthright, an easy one. But, leading Fremen in clear opposition of the House Harkonnen, the emperor and the great houses was one very daring act to follow. What gave him all this strength?

The answer is – Pygmalion Effect

In psychology, Pygmalion Effect is the effect where high expectation from a person lead them to perform highly and effectively even in adverse condition.

Pygmalion word comes from the story of a Greek sculptor called Pygmalion who falls in love with his sculpture so much that the statue comes to life.

It’s like worshiping the rock can make it a God which could ultimately is believed to fulfill wishes.

The Bene Geserrit propaganda very smartly takes advantage of this idea. They create such support system around Paul which create one powerful leader in the universe who in his early life was not considering himself worthy.

Pygmalion effect highlights how the environments in which we live, how the people around who put their trust in us can boot our performance. According to Pygmalion effect, if a high performing person can deliver poorly if the environment and people are not supportive, it also is true the opposite way, any low performing person would deliver exceptionally when he is trusted by the people and the environment around him.

Pygmalion effect is also known as Rosenthal Effect in psychology.  Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson conducted a study on classroom students where they found that the students who are inherently reinforced to be the smarter perform better whereas students who are told that they are worthless already show under-performance.

Pygmalion effect shows us that we internalize or identity based on the surroundings we live in. No wonder they say that when you want to be a great man be in the company of great people. This internalization of or beliefs lay the foundation of our performance. That is exactly why so many Fremens believing in Paul gave him the power to stand against the Harkonnens, the Emperor, the Great Houses – entire Universe.

This is exactly why Pygmalion effect is highly associated with the self-fulfilling prophecies. The declaration of such prophecy irrespective of the knowledge of the future conditions people to create ways for such prophesied person; the person who show some signs aligning with the prophecy gets a boost which ultimately follows the prophesied path as the environment now completely supports that path – that is the path of least resistance leading to the glory.

Supporting environment creates high performers

Paul could have chosen another path to fight just like Chani chooses in the end but the Pygmalion effects kicks in, leading him to become the antihero – a high performing powerful antihero.    

You should appreciate that Pygmalion effect also shows how the opposite and downgrading environment will create a villain. A famous and itching question can be answered using this explanation. If baby Hitler was killed way before, would it have prevented the occurrence of the future world war? The answer is – NO. The conditions were developed in such way that even after killing baby Hitler someone else would have risen among that much hatred who would have led to the end effect, the name would have been different but the acts would be roughly same and inhumane. That is why our environment is an important part of our identity, even if the environment is hostile, what we consider ourselves at the core is equally important.

Nonsupporting environment creates low performers

(You can see that, even in adverse nonsupporting conditions of cognitive dissonance and identity crisis, a person can chose to remain good, can choose one identity over the other. I have discussed such scenarios in pop culture before. Read more about that here.) 

The Prophecy – Does ‘Free Will’ Really Exist in Dune?

The identity which Paul chooses after a cognitive dissonance about his origin and the Pygmalion effect from his environment make his the prophesied Lisan al-Gaib. Now it feels like it truly was the plan all along. This goes against the idea of free will.

Existentialism is based on the idea that as man is born free. It is in his mind, his responsibility to assign the meaning to his/ her own life. The ways and reasons for which Paul consistently rejects the prophecy is because he knows he is not ‘the one’. He knows that he is the son of Leto Atreides and should avenge his father’s death, hence his only purpose was to use the ‘desert power’ to defeat the Harkonnens and the Emperor.

Paul despises everything that is connected to the Prophecy. It is his interest in Fremen people and purpose of completing the vision of his father which drives him into becoming one of the Fremen. You will see Paul rejecting the idea of him being the Messiah in the early discussions with Chani.

The creation of prophecy and instilling the faith into Fremen for Paul indirectly always pushes him into doing what is expected. Paul never makes any decision out of the box. There are chances where he could have created other opportunities but the people around him, his blind followers could never let that happen. Paul is center of attraction for everyone that is why he is always bound to do what they want, otherwise he knows that he will lose that advantage and desert will immediately consume him like any common outsider. The advantage of being the center of attraction of your followers is that your followers will justify your every action; But in the end, you will also be bound to their expectations.

The powers of Bene Gesserit to manipulate people to do what they want, the unfolding of events leading to the war during the Fremen rebellion against the Harkonnen, the necessity to prove injustice with Leto Atreides to the Great Houses ultimately make the realization of prophecy possible.    

That is exactly why Paul gets tied up in the expectations of Fremen, his own self-respect and his own duty as a son. He knows he can avoid this path but chooses that path because that is how he will have ultimate power.

On the other side you will see Chani, she is fighting the same war but can chose her own ways to accomplish that goal. Remaining out of the focus of the religious followers gives her more freedom.

Lady Jessica also falls victim to the prophecy. Stilgar informs her in Sietch Tabr that if she doesn’t become the Reverend Mother she would have to die and Fremen people won’t save Paul. Even when she knows that the prophecy is false, she accepts it as a way to get things done according to her wishes. But again, the pressure from the faithful Fremen followers force her to follow the prophecy. Things doesn’t go right for her in the end. Lady Jessica also faces the cognitive dissonance like Paul about her origin as Harkonnen and chooses the predefined path of being the Reverend Mother.

One must appreciate how Frank Herbert created the story of Dune where the psyche of person drives the narrative. Frank Herbert was heavily influenced by Carl Jung’s archetypes and Dune reflects those archetypes. Dune also gives the psychological justifications behind the blind hero worship through some important character arcs.

It becomes very important to notice our end goals and whether our surroundings, our people are supportive of that. We as humans, are the beings of infinite capabilities, what we consider ourselves internally at core becomes very important in the end. Otherwise, the world is already prepared to overwhelm us with its preconceived notions of living a life.  

References and further reading:

  1. Confirmation bias sketch from Sketchplanations by Jono Hey
  2. Cover Image by Johannes Havn from pexels.com
  3. Dune: Philosophy in Science Fiction
  4. The Pygmalion Effect: Definition & Examples by Ayesha Perera on Simply Psychology.org
  5. The Batman- The superhero who ‘unlearned’ – Journey of a person through cognitive dissonance
  6. Existentialism – Zima Blue and Existentialism
  7. Biases and Delusions – Steering on the borders of rationalism and insanity
  8. Answering the questions on existence of “the existence”
  9. The Existence – Why? How? And What?
  10. Dune’s Ornithopters and Biomimicry

Dune: Philosophy in Science Fiction

The focus of Dune saga is on the ill-effects of hero worship. Frank Herbert warned his readers about the life altering consequences of granting too much power in the hands of a person who refrains to be questioned by his followers. The character arc of Paul Atreides depicts a moral dilemma. It also shows how power and aesthetics play a vital role when one is justifying actions, character and intent.

Dilemma of morality in the character arc of Paul Atreides

Dune Part Two shows how any person would react when thrown into the events where morals and ethics clash. Dune Part Two is about the creation of the antihero and his blind hero worship. It is important because it breaks down and effectively depicts the stages in which even a humble and good-hearted person can degenerate. Surrounding around such person has big role in it.

The focus of Dune saga is on the ill-effects of hero worship. Frank Herbert warned the readers of Dune about the life altering consequences of granting too much power in the hands of a person who refrains to be questioned by his followers. Superficially, Dune feels like a story where Bene Gesserit – a low lying powerful sisterhood planting an extremely powerful but manipulable Messiah to control the galaxy and how this Messiah ruins that plan. Deep down, Dune successfully amalgamates many philosophical, psychological concepts like Existentialism, Hero worship/ herd mentality, confirmation bias, free will and determinism.

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune Part Two has successfully translated the vision of Frank Herbert’s 1965 Sci-Fi which is more relevant than anything in the current times of 21st century. In Dune Part Two you see the transition of a young, humble, calm boy into an aggressive, extremely powerful leader – a leader who is worshiped like the God by his followers. As a fan of Sci-Fi movies, I would say Denis Villeneuve’s Dune movies have made justice with what the source material wanted to convey. (Historically, Dune series is known to be one of the most difficult materials to adapt into visual media)

The discussion hereon is not a movie review rather it is about how some fantastic philosophical, psychological, spiritual, and political ideas are brought together to create a more relevant story which is purely fictional. Despite being a fiction, it successfully depicts some important real-life scenarios and dilemmas we face in our very real lives. This all is credited to Frank Herbert and Denis Villeneuve’s vision.

There will be heavy spoilers for Dune Part Two hereon!!!

After watching Dune Part Two it is obvious that it is all about how an antihero is created. There is a moment in the end when you will lose the sympathy for Paul’s character because of the choices he makes and it is intentional. The movie gives us multiple viewpoints to justify why Paul Atreides becomes who he is. Obviously, his antihero arc creates a deep void in our heart. When I started to understand the narrative from Paul’s perspective, I stumbled upon some of the important ideas we use to justify our actions, decisions.

Boundaries of Right or Wrong – What is Moral? What is Ethical?

Let us understand the stages in which Paul is always rejecting the leadership – the prophecy of Messiah he is offered every time.

Rejection 1 – Paul has not demonstrated any grand act yet. He lacks clarity, vision.

Right from the beginning, Paul knows what it means to become the Lisan al-Gaib – the Messiah. You will see him rejecting the concept of becoming the prophesized leader. In Dune Part One you will see that he asks Leto Atreides, his father – What if he does not want to be the leader, the future of house Atreides? In response, Paul understands from Duke Leto that leadership is not a personal choice and when there will be a moment in which people will choose him as their leader and he will have to answer that call. The fear of leadership in Paul here is created due to very superficial simulation of future possibilities. He hasn’t even landed in Arrakis – the desert Planet. Here, Paul is just a well behaved, properly trained royalty who hasn’t tasted the reality of life yet. He theoretically understands the burden of leadership, the burden of the expectations of the people and that why humbly rejects it – as it is the ‘right’ thing to do. Understand that Paul’s rejection in this instance is because he doesn’t consider himself worthy. It is unethical for him to accept leadership which is granted just from the birthright. Understand that prophecy of Messiah is not apparent here, this is the leadership of his House.

Rejection 2 – The prophecy is just a clever plan. There is clarity on what and how events will happen but no clarity on what will cause them.

When Paul lands with his mother Lady Jessica on Arrakis he looks at the local Fremen people chanting his name as the one who was promised to free them from this exploitation of the foreigners – the Harkonnens for the precious Spice Mélange. Here, Paul understands from his mother that the religious Bene Gesserit sisterhood has planted a very meticulous storyline – a prophecy to ease out their path on Arrakis. The knowledge of ‘the prophecy’ being just a clever plan of Bene Gesserit sisterhood consoles Paul that he will always have the choice to reject the future responsibility of leadership. This rejection of leadership is due to understanding of the underlying truth and how hopeless people are getting fooled. Utilizing such false knowledge for self-benefit makes Paul uncomfortable.

Rejection 3 – Paul has clarity but doesn’t want to take the advantage of the Fremen Faith

After the death of Leto Atreides, Paul escapes to Fremen territory with Lady Jessica. Fremen accept him as he shows his skills in a fair fight. From this moment his goal is to survive with Femen’s to acquire the ‘Desert Power’ as desired by his father Leto Atreides. He still despises the Bene Gesserit Propaganda. He knows he will be fooling the Fremen by following the said prophecy. It is not ethical to utilize others’ faith for the personal benefit. That is why Paul is just trying to learn the ways of Fremen to avenge his father’s unjust murder orchestrated by the Emperor through House Harkonnen.

There is a discussion between Lady Jessica (who is now Reverand Mother) with Paul where she says that the prophecy has given Fremen people something to hope for and to fight for. This is the exact moment when Paul actively and aggressively rejects what she says.

Paul – It’s not prophecy. 
It’s a story that you keep telling.
It’s not their story, it’s yours.
They deserve to be led by one of their own.

His rejection to leadership here is because it is unethical to play with other people’s faith.

Rejection 4 – Paul loves Chani. He knows the moment he accepts ‘the prophecy’ he will lose her.

There is a scene where Chani tells Paul that the Fedaykin worship him now, they count his victories. Chani (who doesn’t believe in the prophecy) warns him that people have already started worshiping him and this will not end well. To counter Chani’s fear Paul positively clarifies that he is not the Messiah and will always be a Fremen warrior – the Fedaykin. Paul mentions several times to Chani that he will love her as long as he breaths. As the prophecy goes, he should reserve his hand for the most strategic alliance which is with the Princess Irulan – the daughter of Emperor. Here, the rejection is due to the love he has for Chani.  

Rejection 5 – Paul knows that while becoming the Mahdi, he will lose his comfortable connect with Fremen. He will have blood of billions on his hands.

Upon the encounter with Gurney Halleck, Paul clarifies certain important things. Gurney is surprised that even after having following of 200 people and millions more, why isn’t Paul taking advantage of the prophecy to avenge the death of his father? Paul tells Gurney that the moment he becomes the Messiah, he no longer be friends with Fremen, because even his Fremen friends will worship him as the God – Lisan al-Gaib. He considers it unethical to utilize the innocent beliefs and trust of the people for him for his personal benefit.

Gurney Halleck – With thousands of these guys you can take control of the entire planet. It’s your father’s dream. What you are afraid of?
Paul – Worship, Gurney. They used to be friends, now they are followers. 

Gurney tells Paul that he holds the ability to avenge his father by accepting the prophecy. Then Paul clarifies that the moment he becomes the Messiah, the galaxy will be thrown into the holy war leading to deaths of billions of people. Paul doesn’t want their blood on his hand.

The rejection of prophecy here is due to fear of losing personal connect with the people who define and respect you. It is also because Paul wants to preserve his character.

At the end of the Dune Part Two, you know what exactly happened!

Are Morality and Ethics Objective?

So, even after having at least 5 concrete reasons to reject the prophecy, why does Paul decide to become the ruthless Messiah, Lisan al-Gaib? What made him lose all the ethical and moral standards he had preserved in him?

Simple and superficial answer to these questions is – the circumstances!

Deep down the answer is totally different. Let us understand what are morals and ethics

Morality is the sense of judging a decision, event or an action being proper or improper. Morality is the sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Ethics are detailed down, systematic small-small actions which show what doing good is. The opposite act of doing a good act will be doing a bad act.  

Morality are the universal standards for right and wrong and ethics are the rules to implement this morality in daily practice.

Question – How is it decided whether certain act is good or bad?

This is where the trick starts.

The base line to decide morality or ethics is always changing. It is like deciding ‘What level of big picture are you talking about?’

Frank Herbert was very intentional while creating such moral ethical dilemma through Dune series. As you are introduced to Paul right from the start of his journey, from a kid to the Messiah, you know why he did what he did. His Great House was betrayed by the Emperor and the Harkonnens. They tried to kill him, his pregnant mother, and his people. The responsibility to handle Arrakis was forced down on his house by the Emperor. He had every reason to kill his enemies. Whatever act Paul did to avenge his father/ his house was right and justified.

Does that mean that “whatever” and “everything” that he did and would do is right?

The death of billions of people he would cause (as seen in his visions) will it be justified?

Many Fremens devoted and died to Paul’s cause, will their deaths be justified?

You will see that the moment you shift from Paul’s personal baseline of morality to the baseline of the ‘good for all’, you will appreciate why the same Paul – the Messiah – Lisan al-Gaib – the Savior is also ‘the destroyer’ for remaining others. Thus, it is important to define that baseline while judging his actions.

Philosophy of Morality

There are two ideas on how to decide this baseline for morality of given things.

Immanuel Kant says the duty assigned to you; your obligation decides the morality – The duty-based definition of morality.

Immanuel Kant

John Stuart Mill says that whatever is good for most of all should be good for one – The utilitarian definition of morality.

John Stuart Mill

Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development give us a structured view about how the baseline to justify morality of anything works. This single image deserves a detailed explanation but it is self explanatory.

Morality needs understanding of “the big picture”

In Dune’s case, it was Paul’s duty to avenge his father’s unjust death hence he was right. Whereas letting his followers kill billions of people belonging to the houses who were not accepting his ascension as the Emperor was wrong – immoral. He commanded to destroy such opposing Great Houses just to establish respect for him out of fear. The intent was not pure.

For Fremen, the act of destroying everyone opposing their leader is way better and important than living a life of slave. At the same time same Fremen killing billions in the name of their Mahdi is bad.

For Jessica, survival of her children was more important than anything. She had also promised Leto Atreides that she will save her children not as Bene Gesserit but as a mother first. That is why she eases out the path laid for Paul which guarantees his and his sister’s survival. You will understand that Jessica fears becoming the Reverand Mother, she knows that she will have to carry the pain and memories of all those who came before her but upon hearing to the clarification from Stilgar, she realizes that it is the only way to ensure the survival of her children. So, she controlling the Fremen and spreading the prophecy of the Messiah (despite knowing it as just a clever plan) feels moral.

Stilgar strengthening the events from the prophecy in the minds of Fremen ensure betterment of his people. If his actions to spread and strengthen the path for Paul would lead Fremens people to a better life then his actions are well justified. But, the moment he blindly follows every order from Paul to obliterate everyone opposing him his actions become wrong.

When it comes to mere survival of Feyd-Rautha, Baron Harkonnen, Rabban, the Emperor, Princess Irulan, Reverend Mother Mohiam someone would feel that their actions are justified. (But, we already have many other reasons to assign them villainy.)

It’s like checking which one is more wrong – Killing an ant or murdering a person!

The moment you favor the life of the person than an ant, you will feel bad for what kind of animal you are. And the moment you favor life of that ant over the person you will feel bad as a human being.

Taking any life is bad in the end, but what if it’s about survival. Then it goes in the direction which poses question – whose life is more precious?

The Trolley Problem – Which lever will you pull?

Do you see how this streak goes on and on! This will not end until the questioner will be satisfied with comfortable answer!

One must appreciate the genius of Frank Herbert’s writing which created such important intersecting points in his story.

Power and Aesthetics

So, final question – what ultimately is the right or wrong?

The answer is how deeply are we able understand the scenario (and we may never understand every aspect most of the times.)  Actions are always changing with respect to the circumstances, killing a murderer will always be justified and right at the same time killing a Saint is wrong.

This reminds me of Nietzsche’s quote:

Thus, the dilemma grows bigger.

What is right and what is right is highly dependent on your limits, your capabilities, your ability to reverse the things to exactly how they were before. If you don’t hold that capacity, then you immediately lose the power to justify your actions.

Which is exactly why what Paul believes is completely wrong, it shows how Paul character has made transition…

“He who can destroy a thing has the real control of it.”

The power will enable him to destroy any given thing; but can he reverse that destruction if things did not turn out the way he intended? The ability to restore the consequences of your decisions decides whether you hold the power to assign good or bad.

If Paul does not bear the capacity to reverse or at least restore the impact of his decisions, then he is wrong to send his followers in that direction.

I think, this is the warning Frank Herbert gives to the real-life leaders and followers among us. This is exactly where powerful people go wrong and take their blind followers with them.

So, even though his intent was to avenge his father by becoming the Messiah, the path he would choose is wrong.

The path Jessica chose to control the Fremen through prophecy is wrong. The plans Bene Gesserit orchestrated to plant a powerful yet manipulatable person on Arrakis just to have control over Spice are wrong. There are always multiple choices,

(The conclusion of the Paul Atreides’s story and ‘Dune: the God Emperor’ will make us change our current opinions. That we will discuss again when the time is right.)  

Anyways words fail me when such real-life scenarios are flawlessly presented through fiction. There is no need for anyone to teach us what is right or wrong in such stories. The dynamics of the events and the characters show us the mirror. We always have such inner compass inside ourselves, stories like this are the greatest calibrator of such inner compasses.

The power to restore the consequences of our action is the real power, I think. This idea somewhat frees the justification of our actions from the dilemmas of morality.

There is more to discuss about Dune, find out here….

(Movies Scenes from Warner Brother’s Dune: Part Two)

Further reading:

  1. Dune : Psychology in Science Fiction
  2. Existentialism – Zima Blue and Existentialism
  3. Answering the questions on existence of “the existence”
  4. The Existence – Why? How? And What?
  5. Dune’s Ornithopters and Biomimicry

The Book of Five Rings – The Ground Book

The Ground book is the foundation of living a life of focus to its full effectiveness, full potential. When Miyamoto Musashi is saying that the Ground Book is like road mapped on ground, one has to appreciate and understand that it is actually the roadmap to our whole life. It is not just about sword fighting and war strategies. The whole purpose of writing such a distilled and rather a short book is just to make the readers aware of the extreme and rewarding possibilities life provides.

Miyamoto Musashi’s philosophy for 21st century

Wisdom of the elders

Here is a short story. A young man heard some cracking noise in his car which was unexpected for him as he had taken good care of this car. After doing everything possible, visiting many of his mechanic friends, running tests, the problem was not getting solved completely. The noise would again start after some time. One of his friends suggested a senior mechanic to solve this problem. The senior mechanic came, asked the young man to start the car, listened to the noise for some time and tightened just a single screw on the drive mechanism and the noise disappeared. The problem was solved within few minutes and senior mechanic made sure that it will not happen again by revving to the extremes of the car with a test drive. The young man was happy seeing that the problem was solved instantly.

He asked, “How much for the job?”

The senior mechanic said, “that will be $200”.

The young man was shocked, “Who pays $200 for tightening single screw?”

Senior Mechanic, “$200 are for knowing exactly which screw to tighten which required the whole experience of my profession, tightening any screw is still free!”

The young man realized the value of the service from the senior mechanic, paid him accordingly and apologized for questioning his intent.

The story is contrived, but no one will disagree that we have faced such similar moments in our lives, especially in the times of youth. Some problems become unsolvable at a given moment. People try to implement the most modern of modern techniques to tackle this challenge but the efforts are futile, worthless. Then one “seasoned” senior and (obviously) old person enters the discussion and solves problem within few steps, rendering all the young and modern efforts useless. When the solution becomes visible to everyone, it becomes apparent that the answer was filled with such a common sense that any fool would have guessed that and still nobody could solve it.

The point of all this is that, wisdom of elders although remains less relevant with the current flows and fields of knowledge, they become of ultimate importance when any unconventional problem emerges. Because this wisdom is born out of many tests of such senior person’s knowledge in his/her life where every unnecessary part of the knowledge is stripped off to reach that point of true knowledge- the wisdom.

Today we will explore the ancient philosophy of one such seasoned person which has stood the test of the times, especially the modern times where the skill he worked with is on the brink of extinction. As the wisdom goes, it is still relevant and helpful for today’s generation and the generations to come.   

 Miyamoto Musashi and The Book of Five Rings 

Miyamoto Musashi was the greatest Japanese swordsman that the history of humanity has ever witnessed. Miyamoto Musashi was known for his swordsmanship and remaining undefeated in 61 duels. He was so great and influential in his art that people call him Kensei, a sword-saint of Japan. Along with the greatest swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi was also a great penman. His writings, philosophies, strategies remained of great value in the respective times and are still important today.

Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi wrote two books in the later years of his life – The Book of Five Rings (五輪の書, Go Rin No Sho) and The Path of Aloneness (獨行道, Dokkōdō). 

Miyamoto Musashi put all his wisdom of a warrior’s life into this “Book of Five Rings”. The five rings namely Ground, Water, Fire, Wind and Void represent the five aspects of his philosophy of a warrior.  The books are a collection of very limited paragraphs and believe me it is intentional. They are supposed to concise reflecting the focused intention of the writer Miyamoto-san.

The Ground Book

The book starts with the philosophy of the Ground. The book seems exclusively written for warriors and martial arts practitioners.

Each man practices as he feels inclined”

Miyamoto Musashi establishes that there are many fields of knowledge, ways of living life. Anyone can learn any way he fancies.

“The Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death

Even though every person has to face death in the end, for a warrior the acceptance of death as the ultimate truth creates that urgency for discipline, virtue and intent. Miyamoto-san intends a person to realize the limitedness of the life and the urgency to overcome the ways in which a common life lives the same life. He wants the reader, the warrior to have something that many commoners don’t have that is the victory at personal level and victory at a group level, in teams. And believe me it is not just about victory in sword-fight or a huge battle.

Even though Miyamoto-san clearly discusses the techniques of sword fight one must understand that they are the techniques of living the life, handling the situations in life, creating a fighter warrior’s attitude towards the challenges in life.

The Way of strategy

In simple words, it discusses the discipline to live a warrior’s life. For that Miyamoto-san starts with the function of major professions in the society – the gentlemen a.k.a. the warrior, the farmers, the artisans, the merchants. He clearly points out that these are just people extending themselves through some objects for living the life with some benefits and thereby their survival.    

If we look at the world, we see arts for sale. Men use equipment to sell their own selves.”

Musashi’s view towards life and world is still relevant and unchanged. Our jobs, professions, occupations are extensions of our personality. Some are doing it willingly; some are doing it unwillingly. Even when some people are hating their jobs that is still representing who they are.  

Miyamoto-san also explains how some masters, so called “Gurus”, trainers brag that their technique is the best and try to mislead people with that to gain profits. He highlights that how techniques, the strategies to live better life are being traded objectively for profits. In this chaos of trade of knowledge Miyamoto-san establishes how the value of true knowledge always remains superior irrespective of the show off of the immature people using it for their profit.

Even in today’s times the situation is not drastically different. The mainstream education is already destroyed by the backdated education system, degrees and diplomas are still less relevant for the actual professions, unnecessary and highly profit driven coaching add more to that. You will find every possible type of motivational trainer in every direction you throw the stone. Very few of them are actually doing the job of delivering true wisdom.

The teacher is as a needle, the disciple is as thread”

So, Miyamoto-san tells here that a true teacher only directs to the goal, the direction a needy disciple, true student follows that with proper faith and diligence.

The Carpenter and the Warrior

Miyamoto Musashi tries to establish that the basic ideas of wisdom are consistent everywhere. As every type and size of wood has its own characteristics, it makes sense to use those types and sizes of wood where they prove the most effective. It’s a common sense! Utilize things and manage people according to their type, size, skills and abilities. Not everything is supposed to fit everywhere, actually that withdraws the specialty of that object or that person. And thus Miyamoto-san delivers one of the most important management lessons, that is still relevant today.  

The foreman carpenter allots his men work according to their ability. The foreman should take into account the abilities and limitations of his men, circulating among them and asking nothing unreasonable. He should know their morale and spirit, and encourage them when necessary. This is the same a s the principle of the strategy.

If we try to force the object to fit in, the people to do the jobs they hate we won’t be able to utilize them to their fullest potential thereby lowering the purpose of their existence and even failing in the pursuit of our goals. A good leadership advice!

Body of the strategy

Note that Miyamoto-san uses words “the Way of Strategy” everywhere to highlight his philosophy of living an effective life.

It is difficult to realize the true way just through sword-fencing.

This should again make clear that the book not just about sword-fighting. The ways Miyamoto-san refers to are to understood in bigger aspects of life which is limitless.

Know the smallest thing and the biggest things, the shallowest things and the deepest things.

The inclusive and impartial perspective to look at life is the true way of gaining true wisdom. Only by knowing the extremes of the life one can have a grasp over what is actually happening. Only then one can bring that objectivity in their thoughts, otherwise people become followers of one side, blind worshipers of some great books and great people. The real and true way in in appreciating and understanding the whole spectrum of life. Only then one can live the life to its fullest.

This is a truth: when you sacrifice your life, you must make fullest use of your weaponry. It is false not to do so, and to die with a weapon yet undrawn.

One must make every possible attempt in the challenging situations in life to overcome them. In today’s world we call it as living life without any regrets of not making any attempt to achieve goals. If you are going for pass the last punch in your fight, make sure that you punch real hard, with all your focused intent!

It will seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first.

Miyamoto-san again is discussing about how to avoid wrong choices of weapons at wrong places. How you cannot use long sword in narrow places, how short sword is swift, the practicality of handling multiple weapons, the practicality of using the swords of different length based on the confinement, time and location. It becomes very detailed, confusing and overwhelming at a moment, but please know that it is not just about sword-fighting. It is about the common sense of knowing your tools, your behavior, your intent and using them to your full potential according top the situations, places and events.

If you know the Way broadly you will see it in everything

This single sentence is the gist of the whole books of the five rings (But that should not restrict us from exploring the remaining books and philosophies further and it will be an injustice with Miyamoto Musashi philosophy) This sentence is the only reason why one can say that it is not just about sword fighting. There are many ways to live a life. Even though there are infinite possibilities to our lives they make sense only when we have a broader view, a wide intent to make sense out of this chaos of possibilities. Its like changing your perspective of life opens new possibilities and new learnings, new insights from the same thing which earlier made less or no sense.

Why is the strategy only about swords even when there are some other good weapons like halberd, bow, spear and guns? Swords are extension of the warrior’s spirit both theoretically and practically. He explains that further in detail to prove why sword is the ultimate weapon.

Weapons should be hardy rather than decorative

The intent of tool is to get utilized effectively rest is just unnecessary baggage. Robustness of the weapon, your tool is more important than its appearance. In simple words, things, techniques should be designed for the function expected from them (I know it is common sense, but we many times we unnecessarily over-complicate our lives with many things thereby hiding the solution which was in plain sight) It is also about having only those resources which are actually required otherwise you will be spending unnecessary time, capital for managing that extra drag, which itself is a good management lesson.

You should not have a favorite weapon. To become over-familiar with one weapon is as much a fault as not knowing it sufficiently well. You should not copy others, but use weapons which you can handle properly.

In two words – John Wick and in single word – agility. Miyamoto expect the true life to be full of possibilities not some preferences. For that one themselves should be open to experience instead of having a narrow-minded attitude. This agility grants that specialty to the person which justifies his existence and also enables him to handle situation in novel and effective ways.  

Emphasis on originality – when one copies the other and by the chance of time if they face each other the one who has copied his opponent’s technique will not have any type of advantage of creativity. 


You win battles with timing in Void born of the timing of cunning by knowing the enemies’ timing, and thus using a timing which the enemy does not expect.

Importance of surprise attack or surprise move can be only highlighted once the person has overall understandings of the distance timing and the background timing. Distance timing is the awareness of what is happening with you and background timing means what is happening around you. By distance timing you can only handle yourselves, your moves but in order to anticipate your opponent’s attack you have to understand what is happening around you.

This may seem far stretched but Miyamoto-san is actually referring to different perceptions of times for you and your opponent- it’s always relative and there is a rhythm to it. (here, goes Albert Einstein) In today’s competitive world, it is more important to understand and anticipate the competitors moves and ways of working to defeat him. Excelling yourself won’t always work in non-zero-sum games (and here goes Game theory)

The roadmap to an effective and focused life   

The Ground book is about the outline of the discipline, philosophy and the path to follow it. These are the minimum basic requirements for any warrior seeking accomplishment and wisdom. Miyamoto-san is very specific here. This set of nine strategies/rules is the most discussed portion of the Book of Five Rings. (And yes, it is still relevant today)

  • Do not think dishonestly

Dishonesty removes the objectivity in the learning process. If you remove the objectivity from the learning then the comparison of the facts, object and the observations vary disproportionately with them. This creates wrong and biased observations and learnings thereby. So, if you are ready to call yourself fool when mistakes happen only then you can achieve good objectivity and real wisdom in the learning process.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

Richard P Feynman
  • The Way is in training

Training builds the feedback loop in the learning process. Reinforcement of this feedback loop creates extraordinary outcomes

I hated every minute of training but I said don’t quit suffer now and leave the rest of your life as a champion

Muhammad Ali
  • Become acquainted with every art

Don’t have preferences because in order to extract synergy from even a single skill, single tool you must know how it works with every other skill or other tool. When you will understand the rules of their working with everything possible you will be able to create something truly new and original. (And trust me it is very difficult to create some really unique and original. That internet post you thought is really personal to you has been already liked and shared by millions of people)

Learn the rules like pro so you can break them like an artist

Pablo Picasso
  • Know the Ways of all professions

In order to become a true leader, one must understand the ways of working of different people and allot the resources to them accordingly to extract the highest possible extraordinary outcome.  

Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do while leadership is about inspiring people to do things, they never thought

Steve jobs

If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you don’t have to manage them

Jack Welch
  • Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters

Have a sustainable decision-making attitude. A true leader considers the consequences of even a small decision based on the broad outcome it will generate. This leader understands that even a small decision can affect the system in a big way.

It is the smallest decision that can change your life forever

Gary Goodridge
  • Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything

Have your own perspective about the world, that is what justifies your existence in these infinite possibilities. Have an intent to connect he multiple and distant dots in your life, that is what will make you special and invincible.

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it

Albert Einstein
  • Perceive those things which cannot be seen

Understand that things are not what they always seem from their outside. This develops the sense of anticipation thereby an attitude to handle anything that is possible. It will also grant you the intellectual humility.

There are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors of perception

Aldous Huxley
  • Pay attention even to trifles

The secret to do things differently is to understanding every detail associated with them. Seasoned artists are best examples of this. They make things look really simple but when a commoner attempt to replicate that, people instantly notice something off in that performance. The secret is that the mastery is about understanding every nitty-gritty of your skill.

The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail

Charles R Swindoll
  • Do nothing which is of no use

Have absolute focus, clear intent in your efforts. (Even when you are having fun have complete fun) Learn to say No when it is of no use or value for you. It removes the drifts and deviations in your experiences.

It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential

Bruce Lee

One has to understand what Miyamoto Musashi intends while writing the Ground Book. You will notice each and every important moment in his writing he suggests reader to use their own sense and experiences, he wants the reader to appreciate what he is trying to convey and not just read and follow it literally.

You will see sentences like this scattered throughout all five books

…You ought to think deeply about this.

…You must do sufficient research.

…I cannot write in detail how this is done.

…The essence of this book is that you must train day and night in order to make quick decisions.

…You must appreciate this.

So, the Ground book is not just about the plans and ideas to handle the weapons, their timings or some management lessons for a warlord or a strategist or some sword fighter. And believe me it is not a plan or roadmap to clarify his remaining four books. Actually, any superficial reader rather a fool will have the knowledge of things mentioned here.

The Ground book is the foundation of living a life of focus to its full effectiveness, full potential. When Miyamoto Musashi is saying that the Ground Book is like road mapped on ground, one has to appreciate and understand that it is actually the roadmap to our whole life. Again, it is not just about sword fighting and war strategies. The whole purpose of writing such a distilled and rather a short book is just to make the readers aware of the extreme and rewarding possibilities life provides. Exploring and experimenting them with focus and intent is all up to them and that is actually the beauty of an elder’s wisdom. One really has to try it on their own, experiment on their own, practice diligently on their own to appreciate what is actually getting conveyed by the wisdom of the elders.      

There is more to such wisdom which will follow in the philosophies of the Water book, the Fire book, the Wind book, the Void book in upcoming posts.

Links for further reading:

  1. The Book of Five Rings – The Ground Book
  2. The Book of Five Rings – The Water Book
  3. The Book of Five Rings – The Fire Book
  4. The Book of Five Rings – The Wind Book
  5. The Book of Five Rings – The Book of the Void